Design settings
How to set up the expiration time for a Cookie?
The below procedure to set up the Expiration Time for a Cookie: First, open the GDPR Cookie Compiler App and go to the "Design" page. In the "What to display" tab, go to the end of the page and set the Expiration Time. Now, hit the Save button to ...
How to change the Cookie Bar Alignment?
To change the Cookie Bar Alignment, you need to: Open the GDPR Cookie Compiler App and go to the “Design” page. Now, select Basic Bar or Basic Popup under "Popup Setting." And select the "Alignment" under the Alignment.
How to set up a Cookie Bar for European countries?
Follow the below procedure to set up a Cookie Bar for European countries: First, open the GDPR Cookie Compiler App and go to the "Design" page. In the General tab, enable "Show only in Europe." Click on the Save button from the bottom of the page.
How to enable/disable Cookie bar Pop up?
Consider following the below procedure to Enable/Disable Cookie Bar Pop up: Open the GDPR Cookie Compiler App and go to the "Design" page. Click on the Toggle Button on the top banner to enable or disable the banner.
How to Design Cookie Bar Pop-up?
To Design the Cookie Bar Pop up, you need to: Open the GDPR Cookie Compiler App and go to the "Design" page. Set the Cookie Message and Button Text in the General tab and Save it. In the "What to display" tab, set the Color, Font Size of the text, ...